Senate Coal Caucus

MEDIA ADVISORY: House and Senate Coal Caucuses to Hold Hearing on EPA’s “Clean Power Plan”

HARRISBURG – The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “Clean Power Plan” will be discussed during a joint hearing of the House and Senate Coal Caucuses on Tuesday.

The hearing will be held Tuesday, November 17, in the Senate Majority Caucus Room, beginning at 9AM.

Those expected to offer testimony during the hearing include Emily Medine, Principal, Energy Ventures Analysis; GE, Homer City Generation, LP; John Pippy, CEO, PA Coal Alliance; Cliff Forrest, President, Rosebud Mining; Walter Schroth, Owner, Schroth Industries; and Kevin Moore, Employee, Alpha Natural Resources.

The House and Senate Coal Caucuses are co-chaired by Rep. Jeff Pyle (R-60), Rep. Ted Harhai (D-48), Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23) and Sen. John Wozniak (D-35).

NOTE:  Individuals outside the General Assembly can view the hearing LIVE at


For more information, contact:

Adam Pankake (Sen. Yaw)
(717) 787-3280

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